Soprano and (Self-Accompanied) Piano
Old Main Arts Center Auditorium
Dr. Liz Pearse
Listen at (51:46)
The Diver for Soprano and Piano (2022) was commissioned by Dr. Liz Pearse who, in the spring of 2021, posed this question on social media: “Are any of your composerfolk particularly fond of pigeons?” I am!
Liz performs an annual birthday recital, which she self-accompanies, so I asked Megan Levad to write a poem in celebration of our friend, the pigeon. Happy birthday 2022, Liz.
– Andrea Reinkemeyer
Like dust, like dusk, no, gossamer--
but only if you don’t know how to look.
See my nacre-shine, get closer,
close enough to touch. A book
will tell you: life-long love, a follower
of roads, the sun. I know the mirror.
We all make milk. Get closer.
Oh, how long a dove, mistook.
Swim with me, plunge headlong under
unseen currents, lift. Breathe the real air.