The music of American composer Andrea Reinkemeyer “offers a luminous glimpse of the next world” (Fanfare Magazine) as it “explores a reverent sound world that hovers just above the brink of silence” (Second Inversion), using “spare, melancholy passages to traverse a complex emotional landscape” (Eugene Weekly) “from reverence and supplication to mournfulness despair” (textura).
Toledo Symphony Orchestra has commissioned nine new planet pieces from members of the ADJective New Music Collective.
see moreLiz Pearse will be performing ANIMAL SONGS - a solo performance celebrating members of the animal kingdom. This performance is being held in partnership with the Coulee Region Humane Society, the beneficiary of any proceeds from this donation-only event.
This concert is child friendly - bring your kiddos! Sit and listen, or dance along to songs about a range of creatures - maybe one of your favorites? Represented creatures include:
Camels, Goats, Grasshoppers, Dolphins, Crabs, Carp, Goldfish, Manatees, Cretoxyrhina (extinct giant shark!), Penguins, Capybaras, Wombats, and the most maligned of birds - the pigeon!
Music by:
Francis Poulenc
Fredrick Gifford
Kate Pukinskis
Stacey Barelos
Anthony Donofrio
Jason Belcher
Daniel Nass
Emily Joy Sullivan
Jacob Mashak
Andrea Reinkemeyer
This concert is FREE - there will be a free-will offering with 100% of proceeds to be donated to the Coulee Region Humane Society, who will be coming to speak about their mission during the program.
ANIMAL SONGS is sponsored in part by the Culture and Animals Foundation, and the generosity of Cappella Performing Arts Center for use of their space.
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